KCF University Cup 5

5th Annual Kasparov Chess Foundation University Cup

Saturday-Sunday, February 01-02, 2025, Online: KCFUniversityCup.org

Joining Zoom with camera is required for this tournament!

Please enter Zoom with your Full Name
Contact email: [email protected]


EMU_A: Eastern Mediterranean University (A) (emu.edu.tr)

#IDNameBoard#RatingLichess HandleStatus
1URS:431023 IBRAHIM SERATLI11965ibrahims2Confirmed
2URS:715642 Furkan Yurtal21837FYchess_YoutubeConfirmed
3URS:384722 Aysen Saglamer31789gingerthecat1Confirmed
4URS:527287 Eylul Gunes41723mxxdaiConfirmed
Total Players: 4

If board order is 0, pairing system will use rating descending order. Player with board order number greater than 4 won't be paired.
To change board order, use this form. Board order is fixed during the day, so if you need to change board order you have to do it before the 'first' round of the day.

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